The bunny

The Easter Bunny lives with us. It turns out he lives in a den beneath the deck that was the former residence of the groundhog, also known as Winston the Whistle Pig, who had zero consideration for my morning meditations on the patio last summer. What a racket.


Thank you, Spring, for taking this meeting with me. Please be seated. I feel like it鈥檚 best to start the season off on equal footing. I鈥檇 like to take this opportunity to discuss our expectations and target outcomes for the next quarter.

Lovers of the birds: Killdeer

I saw my first killdeer of 2024 yesterday, March 15, on my way to Burlington. I haven鈥檛 seen one at the farm yet. The killdeer is a member of the plover family, which are shorebirds. 聽

Reflections: The great exchange: Part two

While I concur that I may not see the full effect of my life with my natural eyes before I leave this Earth, there is a lot that I do see, here and in my world, and I see it because God鈥檚 kingdom rule is in full effect here, just as it is in Heaven.聽

Break March

March has come into season like a lamb, nice and easy, which, for all of us afflicted with superstitious sentiments, means it will surely go out like a lion (kind of like the drunk uncle forcibly removed from a family reunion).聽