‘Stop the insanity’

Dear Editor:

The Canadian federal deficit is estimated to be about $40 billion for the next fiscal year. The Ontario provincial deficit is estimated to be about $10 billion dollars for the same period.

Voters must be really confused, since one budget is from the Liberals while the other is from the Conservatives. Each rails against the other’s misguided financial policies. And look at the debt of each government.

Canada’s debt is $1.3 trillion while Ontario’s is $416 billion. Both governments have been run almost exclusively by Conservatives and Liberals. Has there been any fiscal responsibility from these parties? Has there been any common sense?

A famous, old saying notes that, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” It is time for voters to stop the insanity and make a better choice in future elections. We really need better results.

Peter Meyler,